Coconuts - Musician Development Program

What is Coconuts?

The Musician Development Program, or Coconuts, is the process for training and assimilating musicians and vocalists—both culturally and practically—to sing, play and lead in Crosspointe band.  

Who is this for?

Coconuts is for capable musicians and vocalists. Prior experience playing in some structured band setting is a plus, though not a requirement, and anyone is welcome to audition. Those who serve in the band are strongly encouraged to pursue an active involvement within Crosspointe Church, which includes being part of a small group, regular attendance on Sunday mornings, one-on-one discipleship and partnership. Everyone who wishes to serve in Crosspointe band must go through the Coconuts process.

Why Coconuts?

Because…it’s boss. Also, it creates an on-ramp for musicians and vocalists who show promising ability, but require either some level of experience or knowledge prior to being incorporated into the regular Sunday rotation. Before Coconuts, the process for initiating musicians was more organic, albeit less defined, and also more or less final. If someone showed talent, but weren’t quite ready for the stage, that was the end of the conversation. Coconuts provides a means for a musician or vocalist to grow in their craft, so long as they’re teachable and willing to invest their time in this process. We also realized that even for proficient players joining a new team with a new system may be intimidating. Coconuts helps to make that transition less overwhelming for everyone.

Coconuts Breakdown or How Does it Work?

Coconuts is a 4 step process consisting of an Orientation, Evaluation, Assimilation, and Implementation. Let’s examine each in tandem, shall we?

1) Orientation
An Orientation will be held periodically as needed. This may be held in an individual or group-style format, depending on demand. Likewise, the time and place will fluctuate depending on need. Whatever the format, the intent of Orientation will be to a) clarify team vision and expectations and b) communicate next steps  (date, time, location, scheduling, songs, etc.)

2) Evaluation
Following Orientation, those who wish to continue with the Coconuts process will be evaluated to determine if he or she has the musical talent to be developed over a period of time (not expected to immediately contribute). The Evaluation will take place one to two weeks after the Orientation.
Each person will come with a prepared song as directed by the leader as well as a prepared song picked by the individual. He or she will receive feedback on their performance and either be invited to continue with Coconuts or encouraged to seek outside lessons and to serve the church elsewhere, emphasizing that every individual has unique talents and gifts, and every opportunity to serve at Crosspointe is valuable and necessary as we point one another to Jesus.

3) Assimilation
This takes place on Thursdays from 6:00-­‐7:00pm.  Assimilation exists to train individuals to reach (and exceed) team expectations. An individual’s progression through this portion of Coconuts can take anywhere from 4 weeks to 4 months.

Here is what Coconuts looks like on a weekly basis:

Week 1-Introduction
  •  Core Values 
  •  Discuss scheduling through Planning Center, Resources, and Block out dates
  •  Active Listening Session
  •  IEM’s and X32 app
  • Misc. practice logistics (iPad, D.I., cables, additional equipment)
  • Questions

Weeks 2-12 - Coaching
Each week, Coconuts participants will be sent a Planning Center request, which will include 3 Songs from the set for that week. Our time together will consist of coaching and feedback as we play through the songs together. Depending on the number of participants engaged in Coconut’s at any given time, we can run the rehearsal with a full band or an individual. In the event of the latter, which may be more likely in this season, the individual may be brought into rehearsal with the Crosspointe Band for a time so they may get a feel for what it’s like to play in this setting.

The individual will be scheduled for Coconuts every week until he/she progresses and reaches the team expectations. If for some reason a person does not progress, the conversation will be had as to whether or not they should continue in the Assimilation process, or seek outside lessons for a period. After that time that person may seek to be re-evaluated. Coconuts has an open door policy.

Ultimately, we want everyone to succeed. Our goal is not to create some elite club, but to raise up and equip dedicated vocalists, musicians, and leaders who pursue excellence and share their talent and passion to glorify God and point the church and each other toward Jesus.  

4) Implementation
Once all the expectations have been met, the individual will begin to be scheduled regularly for Crosspointe services. Good job! You did it, buddy!

If you are interested in joining Crosspointe band or have any questions about our Musician Development Program, contact